Furniture & Decor


Home Interior

Furniture InteriorWhat is a TV Stand

What is a TV Stand: The Secret Sauce Your Living Room Didn’t Know It Was Missing

Your TV stand isn’t just furniture—it’s the stage manager of your daily Netflix-and-chill opera. Treat it like the tech-savvy, multitasking legend it is.

Furnituregrey sofa

What Colours go with Grey Sofa?

Choosing the right colors to pair with a grey sofa can transform your living space, making it both stylish and comfortable.

Furniturebrown leather sofa

What Colour goes with Brown Leather Sofa?

A brown leather sofa is a versatile piece of furniture that pairs well with various colors.

Furniturerecliner sofa

How to Style a Recliner Sofa?

Styling a recliner sofa involves balancing comfort with aesthetics.

FurnitureChoosing the Right Color Couch

Choosing the Right Color Couch for Your Living Space

The color of your couch plays a significant role in setting the mood and style of your living room.

Furniturekeep sofa warm

How to Keep Your Leather Sofa Warm in Winter?

Keeping a leather sofa warm in winter involves a combination of practical solutions and decorative touches.

FurnitureChoose  Throw Pillows

How to Choose Throw Pillows for Sofa?

Choosing throw pillows for your sofa requires considering multiple aspects including size, color, fabric, and filling.

Furniture Left or Right Corner Sofa

How to Choose Between a Left or Right Corner Sofa?

Choosing between a left or right corner sofa may seem like a small detail, but it has a big impact on the functionality and aesthetics of your living room.

Furniturean L-Shaped Sofa

How to Arrange an L-Shaped Sofa?

Waterproofing your couch for outdoor use is a practical and straightforward way to protect it from the elements, ensuring that it remains comfortable, durable, and attractive.

FurnitureTV sofa distance

Proper Distance from TV to Sofa

The ideal distance between your TV and sofa depends on a combination of screen size, resolution, room layout, and personal comfort.

Furnitureplace sofa

Where Should a Sofa Be Placed?

The placement of your sofa can transform the functionality and aesthetic of a room.

Furniture Green Walls

What Color Sofa Goes with Green Walls?

Decorating a room with green walls can be both exciting and challenging.